Collaboration Features & Tools for Leadership & Team Dynamics

Collaboration Features & Tools for Leadership & Team Dynamics

More Productive Email Communication with AI


Email Productivity with AI

Leverage Artificial Intelligence and psychometrics so that in just a click of a button, your email gets rewritten in the way your recipient likes to consume information – improving receptivity and the ability to collaborate. What’s more, the tool tells why the email was rewritten so you can continually improve your communication skills with each email – a great training tool worked right into employees’ daily workflows.


Email Productivity with Insights

Already integrated into your email service provider, we surface the communication, collaboration, and learning style of your email recipients. You can see how similar and different they are from you as well as tips for working more effectively with this person – especially important for distributed teams and those you have never met in person.

Improved Meeting Effectiveness for Virtual & In-person Meetings


Meeting Effectiveness & Prep in Calendars

Consider us your AI meeting assistant! We know your schedule is filled with meetings, many back to back, so in just a few seconds, we help you understand the composition and dynamic of your meeting group, as well as give you actionable tips to be sure you’re including everyone in the ways they need and how best to lead that meeting. 


Virtual Meeting Effectiveness (MSFT Teams, Zoom, Webex)

Now that you’re prepared for your meeting, we make sure the communication and collaboration that occurs during that meeting is as productive as possible. See the meeting group’s top strengths, as well as tips for facilitating meeting contributions and including everyone. Be even more inclusive when you share these insights on screen with the group so everyone can work together more effectively. 

Leadership, Team Dynamics, Team Culture & Inclusion Tools


Team Culture Measurement for Better Leadership, Team Dynamics & Inclusion

Look at the entire organization or functional teams to see the overall dynamic as well as predominant behaviors, motivators/values, and work energizers. With this information, you can see if the team is balanced or where gaps might be. Gain insight into how to motivate and train the team, pair up team members in ways that lead to better productivity, and know the kind of work that drives this team’s performance. 


Creating & Operationalizing a Target Culture

Finally, see gaps in specific behavioral attributes and how that might be holding your team back. With our target culture feature, you’re able to adjust the behaviors, motivators, and ideal work energizers for the team in order to create an ideal profile, which allows you to develop a roadmap for personalized training and development and hiring so you can be sure the team meets its goals.


Team Selection Chart for Building Diversity of Thought

Measure the diversity of thought present on your team(s) or across your entire organization. Then use our comparison tool to see how similar or different your team is, create agile pairings or project teams to boost productivity, innovation and problem solving, and build plans to increase the diversity of thought on a team.

Speak to a solutions expert to discuss your specific challenges and how HT can help.

OnBoarding Tools


Personalized Onboarding

Truly making onboarding a people-centric experience, use our onboarding tool to tailor training and instruction, help your new hire see how they fit into the makeup of your organization and team, and make sure they know how best to communicate and collaborate with both their teammates and manager – setting them up for success and satisfaction right out of the gate.


Performance Review Communication

Provide feedback and coaching on sensitive topics in a way that will resonate with your listener. Coach on how to communicate with teammates or subordinates during performance reviews.


Better Client Success

Coach call center, client liaisons, and other key account management personnel on communicating effectively with customers & clients.  

Talent Analytics to Evaluate & Hire for Better Performance


Talent Analytics

Use our talent analytics tool to better understand high and low performance. Identify the behaviors, motivators, and work energizers that lead to better performance – and more importantly, finally be able to set in place a plan to help low performers develop and grow as well as a strategy for hiring based on the kind of performance you need to meet team goals.