The Humantelligence EQ Scholarship 2020 Winner

Here at Humantelligence we value the recognition that emotional intelligence is an asset that is not utilized enough. That’s why one of our missions is to democratize self-awareness for people across different platforms. Similar to our traditional culture software and our EQ Everywhere extension, we have an app that provides this services to students.

MyGuru for College and Careers is our app for students of all kinds that streamlines your education experience with tips, tricks, and life hacks. With categories including applying to college, roommate help, salary negotiation tips for internships, career pathway finder and more we take a holistic approach to each individual user.

With our 2021 expanding updates in place we’d like to announce the winner of the 2020 EQ Humantelligence Scholarship: Dylan Ervin attending Berry College. In Dylan’s application he was asked to include an essay over what emotional intelligence means to you, here is what he wrote:

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is important to me because this subdivision of overall intelligence is the quintessence of knowledge. Daniel Goleman is a well-known advocate for this and one of my personal favorite quotes of his is, ¨CEOs are hired for their intellect and business expertise-and fired for a lack of emotional intelligence.¨ This is 100% true in that situation, and in most aspects of life. EQ serves as the backbone of success in social life, improving things from psychosocial skills to business acumen, and even your daily routine. Without EQ, even the smartest and most capable people may fall behind. For me, EQ is especially important because I want to be a sports medicine physician. It doesn’t matter how smart I become, I need to have great communication skills and empathy. If a high school or college athlete comes in with an ACL tear, I have to be empathic and understand that it could mean the end of his/her playing days. I would be crushed if I was faced with that and that is why I want to do my best to help people recover and get back to normal. Emotional Intelligence helps people understand each other and get along. The world we live in today seems so divided and confrontational. If we are more aware of our own EQ then the newfound empathy could be a huge step towards a more peaceful and utopian society. In summary, emotional intelligence is important to me because of how it can promote yourself to succeed and help our world become a better place.

Dylan, we thank you, along with all of the applicants for submitting their essays and joining the HT family.

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